Book covers of some of my publications
A world of books - Een wereld van boeken.

language (2)

Paul Kater

Automatic translations.

I was curious about the translation capabilities of Google Translate versus Deepl when it comes to prose. Prose is harder than non-fiction. I both fed them the same snippet from the start of my Dutch book "Windjammer." In the below table I'm marking the most interesting differences and bits going wrong. DEEPL GOOGLE TRANSLATE "Hey, Kep!" William Belly roared as loud as he could. The captain was idiotically busy but this was important. He had discovered a tear in one…

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Paul Kater


I wonder about the word literally, and the way it's used lately. I literally did this on my laptop just now. (This person had created a drawing.) I asked in what other way than literally they might have done that, and the answer was: "What do you mean?" Asking if they'd ever heard of 'figuratively' got me no reaction any more. On Twitter, a while ago, I saw someone who wrote: "I literally died!" (Using twitter for iPhone.) There I…

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